Creating YOUR Perfect Partner Wish List
Join Relationship Empowerment Coach Geralyn St Joseph on Wednesday, October 16th at 7p ET on ZOOM to discuss and create your personal Relationship Wish List. **There is a FEE for this event.**
Anyone who has been in the Relationship Sphere will know about The List. This is a list that you create of what you want and need in a partner. The creation of The List is meant to help you recognize a suitable partner when you find one.
The List is meant to be a good guideline for partnership. You may meet someone who doesn’t fit your list, but does exhibit wonderful qualities that you may have not thought of. We often create our lists based on past experience, whether that is positive or negative. Simply following the list will then exclude some good choices due to ignorance. In this way, The List can be an impediment rather than an aid.
Creating your list can be a very helpful process when done properly. Sitting down and really considering what you want and NEED in your life can help you avoid unhealthy relationships. Reviewing what worked, and what didn’t, honestly and objectively is paramount to creating an authentic list.
Let's craft a list of healthy characteristics that one needs to look for in a partner. We rate each characteristic in a hierarchy of needs. We look at needs vs wants and create an image of what a good relationship looks and feels like. Knowing what a healthy relationship feels like is more important than most people know. In fact, many people don’t even consider this as an important factor. The truth is that many of us don’t know what to expect and what we are told through media is very deceiving.
In this meeting we will:
- Craft a list of healthy characteristics
- Rate each characteristic in a hierarchy of needs
- Discern between needs vs wants
- Create an image of a good relationship
- Practice feeling being in a good relationship
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This gathering is part of a series of meetings centered on our Romantic Relationships. Although these meetings will help you navigate any relationship, we will be focusing on Romantic Relationships.
Create YOUR Wish List with Geralyn!

Want to Work with Relationship Empowerment Coach Geralyn St Joseph?
If you are interested in working with Relationship Empowerment Coach Geralyn St Joseph, there are lots of ways that can happen!
Relationship Empowerment Coach Geralyn St Joseph offers private and group sessions, classes offered are live, virtual and recorded.
What is an Intuitive Relationship Empowerment Coach?
I am an Intuitive Relationship Empowerment Coach. It's a mouth full, I know. So, let's break it down.
Intuitive means that I use my Intuitive senses to guide our progress. By doing so, I engage all of who I am with all of who you are. Using an Intuitive approach gives us the flexibility to move in many directions and does not lock us in to a single path.
Relationship encompasses all your relationships, most importantly, your relationship with your Self. We look at outer and inner relationship in equal measure. Familial relationships are one of the key relationship groups that I focus on with you. Healing your core relationships, whatever that may look like for you, is essential to the best outcomes.
Empowerment means giving you the greatest possible foundation for success. Success is very subjective, and we suss out what real success looks and feels like to you. Empowerment is owning who we are and working with all our assets.
Coaching is not coddling. It is not making your decisions for you. Coaching is about being a clear sounding board and reflecting back to you the things you need to see. I am here to give you guidance and help you ask the right questions.
I am known as a Fiercely Loving Earth Mama. My business attracts people who are hurting, but ready to make big changes to heal and experience a more fulfilling life.
Interestingly, my couples work is often initiated by the man in the relationship. I find that when a man seeks therapy/coaching/counseling, it is because he is serious about healing.
Why Relationship Coaching?
I was a coach before we had a name for what we did. Coaching is a natural extension of who I am. Since childhood I have always been a confidant. People seem to be drawn to be truthful with me. They feel comfortable being their true selves.
I have a deep faith in God and the Universe. Coaching brings me Joy because it is part of my life's purpose.
My biggest joy comes from knowing that I have been there for some people when no-one else was. I've helped people when they were at their wit's end and gave them a safe space to tell their story and regain their strength. I've helped marriage partners and romantic partners discern the condition of their relationship. They then can choose wisely their course for the future.
I often have clients who check in with me years later to let me know how much our time together altered their lives.
Blessings! Geralyn St Joseph
Create Your Wish List!

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